


Recently, Zhou Shen, a singer from Hunan, China, performed the song "China in the Lights" at the North American leg kick - off of his "World Tour Concert" held in Las Vegas, the US. His performance brought many local Chinese people to tears. Some netizens exclaimed, "The significance of this moment is truly astonishing!"

这场演唱会作为周深世界巡回演唱会北美首站,以 “9.29Hz” 为主题,就是想用音乐跨越文化,连接不同背景的观众。《灯火里的中国》里饱含的“对故乡的眷恋”和“对祖国的赞美”,让大家产生了强烈共鸣,有观众感慨,感觉通过歌声重新找回了和故土的情感纽带。这就是周深歌声的魅力,让我们一同期待后续场次!

This concert, as the North American kick - off of Zhou Shen's world tour, was themed "9.29Hz", aiming to use music to bridge cultures and connect audiences from different backgrounds. The song "China in the Lights" is filled with "homesickness for the hometown" and "praise for the motherland", which struck a strong chord with the audience. Some audience members emotionally remarked that they felt as if they had re - established an emotional bond with their homeland through the song. This is the charm of Zhou Shen's singing. Let's look forward to his subsequent concert stops!

【Author:】 【Editor:谈诗谊】