在春日大围山 解锁星河里的浪漫
你上一次仰望星空是什么时候?随着北半球中纬度地区最佳观星季的来临,位于中国长沙的大围山国家森林公园百花齐放,春意盎然。作为湘东第一高峰,海拔最高1607.9米,这里堪称湘东离星空最近的 “宝藏地”,也是受光源污染影响最小的地方。每年的此时,许多星空爱好者都会在此搭好帐篷,蹲守到凌晨,沉浸式拍摄璀璨星空。
When was the last time you looked up at the starry sky? With the arrival of the best stargazing season in the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the Dawei Mountain National Forest Park in Changsha, China, is now in full bloom with spring in the air. As the highest peak in eastern Hunan, reaching an altitude of 1,607.9 meters at its highest point, this place can be regarded as the "treasure land" closest to the starry sky in eastern Hunan, and it is also the area least affected by light pollution. Every year at this time, many stargazing enthusiasts set up their tents here and stay up until the early morning, immersively photographing the magnificent starry sky.
The starry sky here is extremely beautiful and dreamlike. Put aside your worries and anxieties for a while, and let's come together to admire the magnificent starry sky of Dawei Mountain!