Recently, the Chinese Embassy in Zimbabwe held a reception and award ceremony in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the dispatch of medical teams to aid Zimbabwe. The 21st Chinese (Hunan) Medical Team to Zimbabwe was awarded the Order of Excellence of the Republic of Zimbabwe. This is the highest commendation from the Zimbabwean government for the selfless dedication and outstanding contributions of the 21st medical team to Zimbabwe.
在过去这一年,第21批援津医疗队秉持着 “不畏艰苦、甘于奉献、救死扶伤、大爱无疆” 的中国医疗队精神,在津巴布韦开展了超有成效的医疗援助工作。据统计,医疗队累计为7965名患者提供了高质量的临床和影像诊断服务,还成功开展了多项临床新技术。不仅如此,医疗队深入偏远社区、孤儿院、工厂和矿山,开展了16次免费医疗服务活动,让6113名当地民众受益,足迹遍布津巴布韦全境。
Over the past year, adhering to the spirit of the Chinese medical team, which is "not afraid of hardships, willing to contribute, saving lives and healing the wounded, and showing boundless love", the 21st medical team to Zimbabwe has carried out highly effective medical assistance work in Zimbabwe. According to statistics, the medical team has provided high-quality clinical and imaging diagnosis services for 7,965 patients and successfully launched a number of new clinical technologies. Moreover, the medical team has gone deep into remote communities, orphanages, factories, and mines, carrying out 16 free medical service activities, benefiting 6,113 local people, and leaving its footprints all over Zimbabwe.
在医疗援助的过程中,第21批医疗队还特别注重推动当地医疗能力建设。医疗队成功建成 “中津远程医学中心”“中津临床技能培训中心” 和 “中津第一目击者救护培训中心” 这三大中心,举办了23次远程培训,培训当地医护人员347名。其中,“中津临床技能培训中心” 为97名医生提供了高质量技能培训,还在全国范围内普及急救知识与技能,大力推广 “湖南经验”。为中国援津医疗队点赞!
During the process of medical assistance, the 21st medical team has also paid special attention to promoting the local medical capacity building. The medical team has successfully established three major centers: the China-Zimbabwe Telemedicine Center, the China-Zimbabwe Clinical Skills Training Center, and the China-Zimbabwe First Responder Training Center. It has held 23 remote training sessions, training 347 local medical staff. Among them, the China-Zimbabwe Clinical Skills Training Center has provided high-quality skill training for 97 doctors, popularized first-aid knowledge and skills nationwide, and vigorously promoted the "Hunan Experience". Let's give a thumbs-up to the Chinese medical team to Zimbabwe!